
Monday, October 27, 2008

What's With the Name?

After much debate of what to name my blog I decided upon the word fruitage (which according to spellcheck is not a word!).

  • Fruitage;
  • The process, time, or condition of bearing fruit.
  • A yield of fruit.
  • A result or effect.
I was singing a song today that the kids in Super Church (what my church calls sunday school) just love to sing. It's about the fruit of the spirit and it is a catchy tune through which I have finally memorized all 9 fruit. I looked up the word fruit in the good 'ol dictionary that I love so much and a few definitions later I saw the word fruitage. I thought it would be appropriate becuase I want my life to be a process of bearing fruit. Now if I go sprouting any apples off my fingers we're in trouble, but I do want love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness and self-control to grow out of me so others can taste them.

I love to write, but so far its been in journals that I read or homework assingments that my teachers read. I don't have any master plans for this blog other than a place for me to get my thoughts out, and if any one happens to stop by and read, maybe make a friend or two!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I will enjoy reading this blog. I totally agree with the "it was late when I decided on the name" excuse. I used it all the time at school. Shelby and I have a blog too, it's And Kelly has one as well. I hope to keep in touch with you!! Jacqui
