
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

According to Drew...

I teach 2nd and 3rd graders at my church. I am seriously considering video taping them each week because they are the greatest and the things they say! This past Sunday was no exception. Usually its Jeremiah reading us a story from his gross out bible for boys (king Herod getting eaten by worms, and other savory stories). But this week was Drew's turn. He usually has something brilliant to say but this one is tops.

Miss Angela did you know that there are three answers to life's questions?

No Drew I did not know this, what are they?

Well, the first one is kinda obvious, its God/Jesus. You know they made everything and this covers most answers especially in church. The second answer is letters or mathematics, you can make anything with letters and numbers to come up with the answer needed, this is handy in school. (let me remind you drew is 9 years old!) And the last one, my personal favorite, is cows.

(trying to keep my composure becuase he was dead serious) Cows? Really, how are they an answer?

(shocked) Do you know how important cows are to our economy and environment? They provide us with beef and milk. And if we didn't have beef then the lunch ladies couldn't serve us hamburgers and milk and then they would be mean. And if lunch stinks then the whole day stinks and if the whole day stinks then school is bad and if school is bad than you will just drop out and.............(he goes on for a while) Cows are a great answer.

I really had no response to this, trying to bring class together was impossible at this point. So we played hangman until their parents came. This is typically how my class goes :) I love every minute of it.

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