
Monday, December 13, 2010

Who has a job? It's me!!

Human Resources and I finally connected this afternoon...and....I....have...a...job!!! I am so very very very excited (and nervous!) to have a job, a full time Registered nurse! I won't start until January 4th, which is a little later than I was hoping for BUT...I have a job!!!

Today is definitely an up day. Caught up with my dear friend Dana (check out her blog here, but with caution, it will cause copious amounts of drool to pour out!), got a job, leaving soon to get eggnog with the fiance...ah, glorious up day :)

Pray for me dear friends, for as all up days would have it, I will be down soon enough. I tend to get very anxious about nursing things. But God has never failed me and he won't ever.


  1. Congrats sister! I'm so glad you get to start work in January! (Plus...that means you get to spend the holidays with the family over the break) :D

  2. Congrats congrats congrats! So exciting to hear the good news. And, I agree that it was lovely catching up with you today. Looking forward to seeing you next month friend!

  3. congratulation Angela.....i am so happy for you.....Which hospital you will be working in? and what department.....Hope to see you .....I miss you...Happy Merry Christmas.Bandana

  4. so proud of you, you are going to be an awesome nurse, miss you so much, Ju & Sophie

    PS you need to change your profile - you are no longer a job huntress.

  5. that is so great! congratulations. and although I don't know you at all, I can totally relate to the "I'll be down soon enough" thing... I hate being anxious, and I don't have to be because God already knows what's going to happen to me and I trust that He knows best!
