
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today's Untitled Blog Post

So I can not think of a title for this post today. My clever genius starts after 7:00 am.

I read the most encouraging blog post yesterday, I was so encouraged and moved that I decided to not blog about it then but to let it stay with me all day. You might begin to think that I have an obsession with Ann Voskamp...well I kind of do becuase she has an obsession with Christ that I want! They say if you want to be skinny, do skinny people things, if you want to be fit, do what fit people do and so forth. Well, I want to be passionately in love with Christ and let him use my messy story to heal me and if he chooses, to touch others with it as well.

I have become a bit of a perfectionist over the years, always striving to have everything in it's place, to be the best at everything I do, and I get frustrated when things don't go exactly how I pictured.  I have also started to rely on God to break me of this nasty habit. He doesn't want my perfection, he already has it through Christ. He wants my praise and my love to turn towards him in everything I do.

I have noticed a change in my attitude already just by being aware and giving thanks for all the beautiful gifts He has given me. On the flip side, I have had some pretty down times as well. That old self coming out telling me I am not good enough, smart enough, perfect enough to even be worthy to call upon his name. Those lies will creep up, but my God has given me the truth. I read another amazing woman's thoughts on this, and I encourage you to head over there too. We are His beautiful children, there is great delight in his eyes when he sees us.

Thankful for,
long talks with my mom
wedding album finally in
smell of clean clothes
early morning walks with Doug
laughing with my husband over silly things
our Rwandan Compassion child
knowing God is not finished with me

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